Wednesday, February 4, 2009

News For February

This month saw the arrival of Overlander 4WD magazine and the completion of the Summer reading program. A big thank you to all the children that participated, your certificates will find their way to you soon!

We have had a complete change over of all the paperback Mills and Boon books so for those of you who enjoy a light read please have a look at the fresh collection.

We also have all new scrapbooking and quilting magazines to tempt your crafty fingers with. You will find them on the bottom shelf of the magazine area.

Our storytimes for preschool age children have begun again (check the calendar below for details). The public are having a session and then the lovely children from the Kootingal Preschool are joining us for some stories.

I am currently in the process of wanding through all of the items in the library so if you reserve things online from Kootingal and it hasn’t been seen in 2009 then you will know that it is no longer with us. I will let you know when I have finished this long process. So far I have done the CD’s and the Non Fiction and Not For Loan items.

Keep in mind that every week a part of the collection moves on and new stock is received so there is always something new somewhere on the shelves. If you need help – just ask!

Until next time